In a recent
essay about the Supreme Court rulings on Healthcare and the Arizona Immigration
law I used the terms sovereignty and citizen together. Just a few days ago I received a call from my
middle son who is with a Sheriffs Department in the south. He was telling me about an arrest he had made
and the subsequent court date. He had
arrested an individual on drug charges, this individual claimed to be a
sovereign citizen therefore the law did not apply to him. It was an interesting conversation and the
research I did later on Sovereign Citizenship was even more interesting, it was
also frightening. Frightening in the
sense that I in no way want to have what I have written to be misunderstood to
be an endorsement of Sovereign Citizenship.
Sovereign Citizenship website mentions that the group believes themselves to be
free from all laws. They have no
identification, no drivers license, no social security number, no
registrations, nothing. When they drive
they claim they are not driving, they are traveling and there are no laws that
prevent them from traveling. There is
even a handbook they will send you to show you how to live a Sovereign Citizen
lifestyle. The website claims they do
not advocate violence nut in recent history some of the more horrific violent
acts, especially towards Law Enforcement, have been committed by Sovereign
Citizens. Terry Nichols was a Sovereign
Citizen as were the Father and Son in Arkansas recently that shot down 2 Police
Officers performing a simply traffic stop.
When I went on to obtain more information about these people I came
across an article on the FBI website talking about Sovereign Citizens and the
domestic threat they pose, not all mind you, but like other groups the extreme
faction; sound like any other group that seems to be in the news a lot. At the end of the FBI article there was a
paragraph about the signs to look for in identifying Sovereign Citizens, this
was the part that prompted me to write this.
The FBI mentioned a few things in particular, speaking of the Bible and
quoting the Constitution. These happen
to be the same types of things that are typically quoted by Tea Party groups,
Independents and Libertarians that desire a return to the Constitution. In short Sovereign Citizenship is not the
type of Citizen Sovereignty that I am talking about when I mentioned it in my
essay or anytime I mention the 9th Amendment, nor is it the type
that any true Patriot of the United States
and the Constitution of the United States
are talking about.
Sovereignty as it applies to the Constitution means that the Citizens are the
first step of chain when it comes to the Governments of both the States and the
United States . Citizens created the States and the States
created the Union that we call the United
States .
Citizens are the ones that are responsible for electing the officials
that will represent them at both the State level and the Federal level. If there were no citizens there would be no
Government, I know that is an obvious statement but it is true, it also means
that the Citizens are the pool from which the Politicians come, so if the
Politicians are a problem then it is the fault of the Citizenry. I can not and will not take credit for that
thought, George Carlin, the late great comedian that told it like it was, had a
skit using that thought and he was right, 100% right. In Carlins’ skit he asks where all the good
people are, are the Politicians we keep sending to Washington ,
and to our State Legislatures, the best we have? I don’t believe so but until more of the
People understand what the 9th Amendment was written for and stop
being afraid to stand up we are going to continue to get the same type of
Politicians we currently have. The Tea
Party and others that feel as I do believe in having a Government, just not an
out of control Government. The Nation is
too large to not have a Government; there would be utter chaos without
one. In truth I believe our Nation is
too large for the Government we currently have and we are going to see utter
chaos regardless.
Government we have currently seems to believe themselves to be more like the
British Monarchy of old, the same Monarchy our founding generation fought
against, and the same Monarchy our founding generation gave up their lives and
their fortunes to free us from. When
this Nation earned its freedom from the British Monarchy it was because the
Nation was made up of independent minded people that believed in personal
responsibility. Today our Government
does not believe any of us to be responsible enough to make our own decisions;
we are not smart enough to think for ourselves.
The Sovereign Citizenship group would tell you to just ignore the
Government, ignore their laws and ignore their regulations. A Sovereign Citizen in accordance with the 9th
Amendment will tell you to learn about your Government at all levels and to get
involved, even if it only means getting to know your Politicians and voting
with knowledge not because of popularity.
We have been led to believe only those with money can be elected to
public office, maybe it’s time to disprove that myth, maybe it’s time for
Citizen Statesmen again.
Steve Avery