Still haven't started on the Bill of Rights but it's coming. I have been doing some out of the box thinking on things that are going on.
Congress seems to be very short sighted when they are proposing bills, they look at the short term only. Cap and Trade for example looks like a great way to reduce green house gas emissions. Let's make it expensive to industries to pollute so they will take measures to reduce the emissions, great right? Not so fast. It's very expensive to update equipment and install exhaust scrubbers and filters and so forth. It's going to be very expensive to purchase carbon credits to keep from being in violation with the law. So who is going to absorb these costs? Well it won't be the power companies, the steel factories, the chemical plants or any other industry, it will be the consumer. As prices go up consumers will have to cut back on what they purchase, this includes utilities. As purchases go down companies will cut back or even close down because they just can't afford to continue operating, more people will lose their jobs and go on un-employment or welfare, fewer people will be paying into taxes and the large industries like power companies will be begging the Government for bailout money. The Government in response to these events will tell the general public that we just can't let the power companies fail so they will pass a bill to keep them going and to transfer control to the Government since the power companies obviously can't manage their own finances. To pay for this our taxes will be raised and more money will be printed therefore leaving less in our wallets and what is left will be worth less, or is that worthless. So now as we sit at home at night taking cold showers, not turning on the lights or TV and eating cold canned beans the Government will be spouting how they saved the Power companies. OK, maybe this is extreme, or is it.
The Health Care bill can be analyzed the same way, only now it will be doctors not making enough money to pay off their student loans or pay their malpractice insurance so they start leaving the country to setup clinics in countries that have less stringent rules where they can continue offering what will be considered optional medical services in the USA, like dialysis, colonoscopies, plastic surgery, and on and on. Now back in the good ole USA doctors are leaving the hospitals and fewer young people are entering the medical field since their is no future in it, the doctors that are idealistic and stayed are now overworked so they start making mistakes, malpractice suits go up causing costs to go up which in turn causes our taxes to go up, remember it's now a Government run program. So now we are sitting in our darkened houses eating cold canned beans but now we are sweating because we have a high fever from taking cold showers and not being able to get proper medical care. Sounds like a plan to me, I've always wondered what it would be to live in the dark ages.
One other thing that kept rattling around in my head this past week was the Professor Gates issue. Before I alienate anyone let me state that I completely disagree with racism, we should judge people by who they are, not their color, gender, age, religious belief or class. Now for the rant. Both parties over acted in this case and that was already covered, but this story has tenticles that stretched farther. A police officer in Boston (if I remember correctly) did a stupid thing by writting an e-mail to other colleagues about the Gates issue and he used racist remarks to describe Gates, not good. He has been suspended and will probably lose his job. I'm not saying one way or the other as to whether that is right or wrong, what I have a problem with is the way the media has treated it. The media is pushing for this officer to be fired since he is obviously a racist and how can he be trusted to work with other racies in the performance of his job. Well..... what about Gates? His rant to the officer was obviously racist also, he is a professor at a university that has black as well as white students, so can he now be trusted to treat the white students fairly in the performance of his job? All I'm saying is what's good for the officer is good for the professor.
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