Monday, June 28, 2010

Down the Rabbit Hole

The past week or so have been really interesting in the world of politics. For anyone that has read George Orwell’s 1984 you might be thinking that George wasn’t so crazy, that maybe he had some inside information on the direction the world was headed. In the book 1984 the main character, Winston Smith, works in the Ministry of Truth. His job is to rewrite history and destroy any evidence of the old history. The story line is that something crosses his desk that he seems to remember as having happened a different way but he can’t be entirely sure. The entire citizenry is constantly brainwashed in such a smooth manner that you are never sure what it true; today’s enemy was yesterdays ally. This past week we saw the same scenario, General McChrystal allowed reporters from the Rolling Stone magazine to be privy to talk that they should not have heard. In the military there is an unwritten rule that you can say all you want in private but when in public you present a united front to preserve unity. Because of that the General has now been replaced with none other the General Petraeus, the same General Petraeus that was labeled as General Betraeus by just 3 years ago. At that time none of the Democrats in Congress, except Lieberman, were willing to publicly defend the General and condemn Now they are touting the qualifications of General Petraeus, stating he is the one for the job and that his confirmation will sail through Congress. Did we just rewrite history? Is the Ministry of Truth trying to brainwash us to not remember how unhappy Congress was with General Petraeus just 3 years earlier? If you do an internet search you can find some articles referring to General Betraeus but you won’t find the video that published. I’m not saying the General is not the one for the job, I’m just trying to show how the Government seems to believe that the public has very short memories and will believe whatever the Government wants us to believe. In the same vain there was a recent article in the London Telegraph about a poster hanging above the entrance to a museum honoring Winston Churchill. A visitor to the museum who obviously was familiar with Winston Churchill and photos of him pointed out to the staff of the museum that the trade mark cigar had been airbrushed out of the photo, changing history again? Here’s the link to that article; Cigar airbrushed out.

Let’s go further down the rabbit hole. This past weekend the President was in Canada attending G8 and G20 summits. These are summits for planning world finances, seems I have written about this already. World wide we are in deep trouble when it comes to country budgets, everyone owes everyone else and everyone is working off of huge budget deficits. To prepare for this summit the Canadian Government thought they needed to tout some cottage resort to promote their tourism so they built an indoor lake that will be torn down now that the summits are over. There is something wrong with this picture to me, world leaders meeting to discuss the failing economies across the globe and the host country, who is operating at a huge deficit builds a lake for the meeting when they should have put up a conference table with lots of chairs and lots of erasers to start taking useless programs out of their budgets. Here’s a link to the $2 million fake lake.

To continue our trip into Wonderland let’s look closer to home. In the midst of a major oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico our President starts acting like a dictator. We are supposed to have a small Federal Government that was to serve the States, not the other way around. We, the States and the Citizens, have allowed the Federal Government to grow to the point where the Federal Government now believes itself to be a dictatorship. The Governor of Louisiana authorized dredging off the Chandeleur Islands to create sand berms to stop the oil before it reached the shores. Last week the US Department of the Interior ordered Louisiana to halt the dredging saying the plan was endangering the island chain; dredging stopped. It may only be by strange coincidence that the Department of the Interior did this at the same time a Federal Judge in Louisiana overturned the offshore drilling moratorium, which President Obama had ordered, allowing oil rig workers to go back to work. Was this move a coincidence or was it a temper tantrum by our President? If we were following the Constitution Governor Jindahl would have had the LA National Guard at the border telling the Federal Government to go back to Washington, we’ll call when we need you. Instead the Governor allowed the Federal Government to run rough shod over him, probably in fear of losing Federal money that supports his failing economy. To further erode any power that the States have the Federal Government is now filing suit against the state of Arizona for the recently passed immigration law. As I’ve written before the AZ immigration law is more restrictive to law enforcement then the Federal law is, it’s just that the Federal law is not being enforced, the politicians do not want it enforced. There is also new buzz going around that the President is considering bypassing Congress and using an Executive Order to give amnesty to approximately 11 million illegal immigrants; amnesty by Executive Order. What has not been widely publicized is a court battle in Florida between the State of Florida and the Federal Government over the health care bill. Florida legislatures passed a law against the health care bill, the Department of Justice has challenged this stating that the States cannot block Congress from collecting taxes, their argument is that the penalties and mandates in the health care bill may not be called a tax but they are levied and collected by the IRS so they are therefore a tax. All of these examples are just more evidence that the Federal Government, in particular the Executive branch is growing in leaps and bounds into a tyrannical Government. The Constitution has been thrown right out of the White House and Congress believes it is a living document that is only to be used as a guideline.

The American people are well on the way to the same Government the original founders of this country were escaping from. With July 4th, Independence Day, just under a week away it would do well for everyone in the country to read or reread the Declaration of Independence. When you read it start thinking of the things that are going on now in comparison to the reasons for succession listed in the Declaration of Independence, it will be eye opening.

Steve Avery
28 June 2010

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about the links not working originally, I've fixed them and added one the the Declaration of Independence.
