Government Intervention
It can be assumed that Government intervention applies to the individual States or to Foreign Countries, both would be right. The Federal Government of the United States of America has elected itself to be the Big Brother, the King, the Judge and the Jury of all States and Countries big or small.
The Federal Governments mandates on the individual States is a direct and blatant violation of the 10th Amendment. Our States are supposed to be sovereign Countries, Nations unto themselves. The States should be making decisions that affect only themselves, not kowtowing to the Federal Government and begging for every dime they can suck out of the Fed and out of the other States. With the loss of the sovereignty of our States came the gain of a new breed of vulture. This new breed is the ones that believe they have the right to push their personal beliefs on the rest of the Nation. The Bill of Rights has been thrown out of the window in some cases and in others it has been incorporated into the States individual rights; this is commonly called the Incorporation Doctrine. The Bill of Rights are Amendments that clarify what power the Federal Government has over the States, they are not blanket rights that are to be applied to every State.
If you will notice the Federal Government goes after any State that tries to reassert their sovereignty. There is a small movement that believes States should secede. If a State was to secede they could still be part of the Nation, only they would be a sovereign Nation that maintained trade relations with the United States through treaties. This would be a good thing for the Federal Government in the sense that they would not have to support that State, they would not have to send money for mandated programs, and they would not have to provide defense for that State. This would never be allowed because it would mean the Federal Government would lose the revenue from that State and they would lose the control over that State. Again, it’s about money and control. The Federal Government is not acting for the common good or even common sense.
The Intervention of the United States in foreign countries does not necessarily violate the Constitution, but, at the same time it is not authorized by it either. In his farewell address George Washington advocated that we should not become entangled in the political aspirations and objectives of other nations. This has been twisted throughout the past two centuries to mean President Washington was advocating isolationalism. On the contrary President Washington was advocating anti-interventionism. Every generation since the birth of this great Nation has realized that to grow we would need trade with other Nations. This belief in trade is evident in the Navy being the only branch of the military authorized by the Constitution for continuous operation; a Navy was essential to protecting trade routes then and still is today.
The involvement in the politics of other Nations besides costing billions of our tax payer dollars, it has also cost us the lives of thousands of our young men and women. Our involvement in the past has also been the cause of many of the problems we are seeing today. In the 1980’s we were involved in a “Cold War” with the Soviets. When the Soviet Army invaded Afghanistan, a country which used to be part of Russia, the United States covertly funded arming and training the Afghanistan rebels. As a result of this we, the United States CIA, trained Osama Bin Laden. As we all know this came back to bite us, hard. Same has been true with Muammar Gaddafi; we have gone full circle with him. At one point we were bombing his palace, then we supported him, even funded him and now we are supporting the rebels against him. The Libyan rebels are another issue altogether. While fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan Libya was one of the biggest suppliers of fighters for the Taliban, now we are supporting and even funding them.
Our position with Israel is one in which there is just no good side to be on. If you want to stand with them as an ally then we are interfering again. If you take the stand of anti-intervention then you are throwing the one Country in the Middle East that shares our core religious and social values. In truth we should support them as far as standing up for them, vocally. They have the right to protect themselves as they see fit without asking us for permission or our blessing, it’s none of our business. At the same time I do lean towards not being against Gods chosen People, guess that’s my Judeo-Christian beliefs coming out.
We not only can not afford to continue pouring money and lives into foreign countries, it is just the wrong thing to do politically and morally. The Middle East has always had and always will have a civil war of some kind being fought. Nothing we do now or in the future will change that, all our interference will do is to make us a bigger enemy then we already are.
Taking a stance of anti-intervention does not mean that we do not need a military. We will always need some form of Military as I discussed in the section about the Military. It also means that we will protect our Nation with all the vigor we have always shown. The attack on Pearl Harbor was a direct result of embargos the US placed on Japan for invading Indonesia. The only good thing I can say about the attack on Pearl Harbor is that America responded with determination and resolve. We were attacked by a foreign Nation so we declared War. We fought a war to win, not to act as a police force. The attack on the World Trade Centers was again the result, indirectly, of the US’s interference. We helped to fund and train the Afghan rebels and then we left them hanging. We unfortunately created Osama Bin Laden. With the Muslim beliefs they would have more then likely attacked us, we just added fuel to their fire. In the case of the World Trade Center that was an organization, not a Nation.
We went into Afghanistan, a sovereign Nation, without any declaration of war and turned the Nation upside down; the same is true with Iraq. Originally we went into Afghanistan and into Iraq with determination, remember Shock and Awe? Once the “Shock” was over our Politicians ham stringed our Military. If we are going to send our young men and women into harms way we need to give them our full support and let them do what they are trained for. If we did there would probably be fewer instances of, for lack of a better term, bad behavior on the part of our Military.
We had no fight with Afghanistan other then the fact that that is where Osama Bin Laden called home. Our invasion in Iraq was based on the blustering of a Dictator that just enjoyed being the center of attention. Are there not bad people in the United States? Should other countries attack us because of a crime perpetrated by a citizen of the United States in another country? Should Gaddafi attack us because of the actions of our President against his country?
Currently we are involved in 3 conflicts overseas while our borders are leaking illegal immigrants like a sieve. We have a National debt of over 14 trillion dollars and our President submits a budget with a deficit of nearly 1.6 trillion dollars. Our Congress is quibbling over whether or not to raise the debt ceiling without being able to submit a counter budget that is any better then what the President submitted. Our currency is being devalued by the Federal Reserve which is causing our credit rating to drop on the international market. The threat of reduction in our credit rating adversely affects the one area we should have a foreign policy, trade. Activists are running rampant on Capitol Hill pushing their agendas on the rest of the Nation. Our State Governments are running scared instead of standing up to the Federal Government. To top off every thing else, while polls continue to show that approximately 75% of the Nation believes we are a Christian Nation with Judeo-Christian values, God is being banished to lands unknown, taking the morals of past generations with him.
It’s hard for me to believe that Americans are ready to turn over their freedom so easily. The direction of this Nation rivals that of the Nation in the George Orwell novel 1984. Are we ready to roll over and let the Government control every aspect of our lives? We are already allowing our President to act like a King? This President in particular has all but rendered Congress irrelevant. Congress is supposed to be the branch that is the voice of the People and the Sovereign States that keeps the President in line. The President is supposed to the one that ensures Congress is writing bills that are in the best interest of the Nation as a whole and ensure they are Constitutional. The Supreme Court is supposed to verify the Constitutionality of all laws. None of this is happening. We are watching a Monarchy in its infancy. This is not the first administration to act this way, just the most blatant to date. The only way to save this Nation is for the People to stand up and take it back. Not by force, but by waking up, speaking out, voting their conscience and holding their elected representatives to task.
Steve Avery
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
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