Monday, May 17, 2010

Pulling Strings and Coming Up With Alligators

There is an old saying that goes, are you a man or a mouse? That saying is applicable to what is happening in America today. In research labs mice are used to perform experiments, some are taught certain responses in order to get fed, they do the simple tasks that are asked of them and they get food as a reward, no thinking, no free will, just do what I was taught and I will get fed. In today’s political and social environment we are seeing lab mice, actually lab rats, in action. They have learned that if they give the appropriate responses they will eventually get fed, no thought, no free will, just do what is expected of them, toe the party line and the free food will start pouring in. The politicians are the scientists, they are the ones that are programming the responses and doling out the rewards as the responses bear fruit. There is a massive push on in Washington to control individual rights and to obtain voting blocks by any means possible. I started pulling strings trying to put 1 and 1 together and I just kept coming up with Alligators. Some of these Alligators are decades old, so don’t just blame it on the current administration.

The first line of Article III Section 2 of the Constitution states: The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under their Authority. Article VI goes on to state: This Constitution and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land. Article I Section 8 (Powers Granted To Congress) states: To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in and Department of Officer thereof. Any 11th grade Civics student would, rather should, be able to tell you that what this amounts to is that these Articles are telling us that the Congress has the power to make laws to enforce the enumerated powers, set out in Article I Section 8, as long as they are vested and proper (i.e. In accordance with the Constitution). The Supreme Court is charged with ensuring these laws are proper and vested and that they are honored. I’m sure by now you are wondering why this little history lesson and what I’m getting at, and no I’m not practicing to be a lawyer.

As early as the 1920’s our leading Law School in the country, Harvard starting teaching Case Law instead of Constitutional Law. This is how legal precedence came into use. The problem with legal precedence is that it is based on one judge’s original interpretation of the law, not what the law actually says or means, but an interpretation and how it applies to the case at hand. Our Supreme Court Justices are products of this system. They are not applying the Constitution to their rulings, they are applying case law, they are not supporting and defending the Constitution, they are tearing it apart, one Article at a time, one right at a time. The latest nominee for the Supreme Court Elena Kagan was the Dean of Harvard. She once wrote in the University of Chicago Law Review that it was perfectly OK for the Government to restrict free speech as long as it means well and calls it something else. OK, so we can take away a right and call it something else and it’s OK, that’s upholding the Constitution? If we allow the Government to take any right away from us they will only want more, give them an inch and they’ll take a mile. Just so the democrats don’t get the feeling I’m picking on only one side, President Bush’s administration did this with the Patriot Act, which has now been made permanent by the Obama administration. There have been constant attacks on our rights as enumerated in the Bill of Rights, 1st Amendment - freedom of speech, religion, the press and the right to assemble (Nancy Pelosi trying to bring the Churches into the immigration fray); 2nd Amendment - Right to bear arms (gun laws restricting private ownership); 4th Amendment - Right to privacy (Patriot Act); 5th Amendment - not to be deprived of life, liberty or pursuit of happiness (eminent domain); 6th Amendment - right to a speedy trial, they are working on this one, they want to suspend Miranda rights and be able to hold US Citizens indefinitely without trial if suspected of terrorism; be careful here, remember the Secretary of Homeland Security says vets and people that own guns are potential terrorists and should be watched. So as you can see they are attacking our rights and putting people in the Supreme Court that do not weigh the laws that Congress makes against the Constitution, they weigh them against case law.

You want more Alligators? Pull the string on immigration. The US did not have any immigration laws until around 1875. Up until about 1907 all immigration laws passed were directed at European and Asian immigrants. In 1907 the first laws requiring the inspection of alien immigrants at the Mexican border were passed, in the 1920’s the first laws establishing a quota were passed, yes, right about the same time the Progressives started their first attempt at socializing the country. This was during the time of the roaring 20’s, the time when America was prospering and knew they had to ensure the ratio between jobs and workers was kept even. Hispanics are the only group that gets up in arms about immigration yet they were one of the last groups to have immigration laws apply to them. Hispanics talk about how the US stole land from Mexico, yet they don’t stop to think that it was Americans and Mexicans that fought side by side to defend the Alamo and then to gain the independence of Texas from the dictator Santa Anna. It was only after Texas had gained it’s independence that it became a state, many years after. Immigration laws do not only apply to Hispanics, they apply to all illegal aliens. In the current state of affairs in the world immigration laws are a must to protect us from attacks from within. The large Hispanic population in the US feels it is an affront to them and they are being singled out, they are only being singled out when they are the ones that are making all the noise about it, they are the ones that are attracting attention to themselves.

If someone comes into the country illegally what other laws are they willing to break? This is supposed to be a country of laws so enforcement of the laws should be respected. The new Arizona law is not anything new; it is the Federal Law on a State level. Arizona only created the law because the Federal Government is not enforcing what is already on the books. Politicians are using the fervor created by the Hispanic community over immigration for political gain. One side is snuggling up to the Hispanic community to gain their votes while denouncing Arizona to get the Hispanic vote while the other side is trying to gain the favor those that are against illegal immigration. Neither side is just trying to do what is right and uphold the Constitution. I want to point out that I keep referring to it as Illegal Immigration. This country was built by immigrants, this country has always welcomed immigration, but it has to be done legally. The Hispanic community should be as up in arms about illegal immigration as any other community, it is a black spot on the Hispanics that were either born here or came here legally, it causes undue racism towards Hispanics to support illegal immigration, it is also tearing this country apart as quickly as anything else is.

Article I Section 8 (Powers Enumerated to Congress) contains 2 powers that pertain to the immigration problem, first one is that Congress is to establish a uniform rule of naturalization, they have done that but they are not enforcing it. The second is that Congress is to call forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions, this is the one that they are not doing. If there is a problem with the Immigration and Naturalization Laws then fix it, but in the meantime the borders must be secured and the legal immigrants that are here should become Americans, not Mexican-Americans. I’m a realist in the sense that an illegal that is here, working and keeping out of trouble may never be found out, OK, fine. I’m also a realist in the sense that if you are causing trouble and found out to be illegal you should be deported, regardless of how long you’ve been here and how many family members are here, if they are here illegally they go with you. We do not question an American citizen that has been found guilty of a crime and is heading to jail or prison about what will happen to his or her family, why should it matter in the case of an illegal alien that has been found guilty of a crime and is being deported? With the recent Times Square botched car bomb the Federal Government should be even more interested in securing the borders, North and South, enforcing immigration laws and vetting those that are applying for immigrant status. The groups that are a real threat to the safety of the country are coming in and keeping quiet, the southern border is a distraction from the big picture and is being used as a political pawn.

Want more Alligators? Recently Greece went into a tailspin because its socialist programs drove the country into bankruptcy. There has been rioting in the streets, vandalism and even reports of deaths on the streets because of the unrest. In our own country we have States going bankrupt, California, our own deficit growing exponentially, and we are still sending money overseas to countries that don’t contribute a thing to us. The IMF, International Monetary Fund, has agreed to send around $40 billion to Greece to stall the grime reaper for a little longer; this is part of a more then $100 billion bailout agreement for other European nations from the IMF. Why do I care about this, well for one the United States is on the hook for 17% of that through agreements with the EU (European Union) and IMF; secondly all of the worlds economies are now tied together so that it will be a domino effect as countries fail. This was all part of a great brainstorm to tie the world’s economies together to give an incentive to prevent global war. So we went from defense through strength to defense through bankruptcy. The money the US is on the hook for is your money and my money, well, if you work and pay taxes then it’s your money, if you are a socialist then it’s just more redistributed funds, but they are funds you won’t see. This is something that the American people did not even get to vote on, for that matter I’ll lay odds that most Americans didn’t know we were members of the IMF or even what the IMF is. While this is going on behind our backs and over seas in a country that we only care about for it’s olive oil (not really, just being cynical) we are starting to see the collapse of States within our own borders.

What will happen when California can no longer pay its bills, wait that already happened, ok, when California can not get any more credit and its bonds are called in? Are we going to bail them out with more taxpayer dollars? What happens when they do it again, more bailouts? Or will the Federal Government just call in the debts and when California can’t pay do they do the same as they did for the banking, housing and auto industry, nationalize California, it will now be the District of California. Wow, talk about a power grab. The better question and more realistic one is, how long will the US survive? Some predict that we will continue to see European countries failing; from there it will come to us, what happens then? There are some economists saying the US could be in the same position as Greece is as soon as 10 years, are they just playing the gloom and doom card? Who knows? From my simplistic view when you are spending $80 billion dollars more then you are making you aren’t going to last long. The current deficit, not debt, is now 4 times what it was a year ago. The current administration continues to act like they have a blank check. I’m really curious as to what happens to a country when it does go bankrupt.

I have no idea where this country is going or where it is going to end up. It’s pretty depressing when you start pulling at strings of information and they just lead you to an Alligator that is ready to bite you when you turn around. I have to wonder if we shouldn’t be paying more attention to people like Ted Nugent, learning how to survive if every thing we now know and are used to just ends. Who knows, maybe Uncle Ted will be the President of the New United States if we let this one collapse. Now I like and respect Ted Nugent but the thought of him being the President is a bit scary, not as scary as us letting our country collapse. To end this I’ll give you a nickels worth of advice, buy seeds, precious metals, learn to grow crops and learn how to can. Learn how to hunt or fish. Pay off your bills and cut up your credit cards. Learn to live within your budget, not like the Government. If everything turns up roses then you’ve just learned some really neat skills and put yourself in a better financial situation, if not then maybe you will be one that will be able to survive. So I ask again; Are you a man or a mouse?

Steve Avery
May 16, 2010

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