Thursday, May 20, 2010

Social Justice Strikes Again, and More

Today I got my daily NC House Calendar. Normally I just breeze over what they are doing but for some reason today I decided to look at some of the bills before the House. One struck up my curiosity in particular, The Farms to School Program Funding bill, HB 1832 . I clicked on the link and started reading. This is a bill that appoints a new position, at about $65,000 a year, designed to promote education on how products from the farm get to the school, it also promotes schools buying products straight from small farms, oh heaven forbid, bypassing the FDA? Curiosity got the best of me so I did a web search on NC Farm to School and came up with the following website; . When you start reading the website you will notice certain words that start popping up, mainly justice. Turns out this is a nation wide program, the only state so far that doesn’t have a Farm to School program is Nevada. At the very bottom of the home page you will see Website hosted by the Center for Food & Justice. Of course seeing that I just had do check it out. Click on that and you go to the following website . One look at the objectives for the center will make your blood boil, that is if you care about America surviving. The second objective of the center states “To facilitate environmental, health promotion, community development, social justice, and land use strategies that empower local communities and strengthen the capacity of small family farmers.” SOCIAL JUSTICE! What has Social Justice have to do with feeding lunch to our kids in the school cafeteria? One more click on the UEPI website on the “Programs” tab will show all the programs associated with the UEPI, all of them dealing with social justice, environmental justice and progressive ideology. The Progressives have now even invaded our schools cafeterias! If you want to promote selling local farm products to the local schools and other institutes put a notice in the paper. Let the farmers contact the local school boards, orphanages, retirement homes and prisons and negotiate rates on their own. Leave the Government out of it and save the taxpayer another $65,000 or more a year.

After reading that and finally coming down off the ceiling, I opened my Huck Pac e-mail to find a video of Nancy Pelosi telling a bunch of musicians that they could quit their jobs to focus on making music because the taxpayers will pay for their health care?!?!?!?! The country is going bankrupt, states are already bankrupt, and the Government is telling people it is OK to quit their jobs to play music!!!!!!!!!! Now I am a big fan of music, I used to tinker around with a guitar, played trumpet in my Junior High School band and like to sing karaoke with my Dad (none of which I was ever good at, but still enjoyed), but we actually now have the Government telling people to drop out of the taxpayer rolls so that you and I can support them. WHAT THE ………. HECK (it’s a family oriented blog OK). That’s the Progressive attitude for you. What really steams me about that term is that it sounds so much like progress, like we are making progress. That’s how they convince so many dunderheads into believing that the Government is doing the right thing for you. It’s not progress; we are digressing, right back into the Stone Age. The Government is overspending us right into bankruptcy! What happens next? Taxes will go up to pay for that spending, then they will spend more and taxes will go up more until all we are doing is working to pay taxes. But don’t worry; the Government will take care of you. Forget your dreams and hopes, we’ll all be living in Government assigned housing with Government assigned clothing and Government assigned food. We will all be slaves to the Government, that is everyone except the Obama’s, Pelosi’s, and Reid’s; the politically connected in the nation. Are you politically connected? I’m not, but I’m not going to kowtow to these airhead progressives.

To top it all off, while reading all this, Glenn Beck was playing videos on his show with all the Progressive weenies talking about healing the world and apologizing for America’s arrogance. Well I’m not apologizing for the arrogance we USED to have, we were a great nation. What are we now? We were the country that everyone wanted to come to because they could pursue the American Dream, now it’s becoming the American Nightmare. I will say there is a ray of sunshine shining through with people like Rand Paul, Senator Jim DeMint and others that are coming out across America. If I was smarter I would run for office, but I’m not, so instead I will support those that believe in America, the America that I was born in and that our founders created. The America where a person could accomplish whatever they were capable of. An America where you could live you dream. Stop being dunderheads, WAKE UP! Stop selling the USA down the river. If we don’t stand behind those like Paul and DeMint and find others like them we will be the USSA. I don’t want that, do you?!

Steve Avery
A Proud American

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