Tuesday, May 18, 2010


When you corner an animal it will respond with one of 2 responses, fight or flight, it’s a fact of nature. If it fights, it will pull out all the stops and use every dirty trick it can to win, forget fair, survival is the only option. Recently the Government pulled some real gaffers, attacking Arizona for the recently passed illegal immigration law; attacking BP for the oil spill when they gave them a pass on some safety requirements; and the Attorney General unwilling to admit that Radical Islam could have played a part in the recent Times Square botched car bomb so he would not offend the Islamic religion. Now of course the conservative talk show hosts were not about to give them a pass on this so they have called them on this and played it for all it’s worth, well, just like a cornered animal the far left loonies have been cornered again and they are pulling out all stops.

I was listening to the Mike Church show this week when I heard a caller accuse Mike Church, Rush Limbaugh and a few others of treason. I’m sure everyone already knows who Rush Limbaugh is but you may not know who Mike Church is. Mike Church has a radio talk show that focuses on the Constitution, guess why I listen to him. Mike is a fanatic on the Constitution and he has done his research and knows what he is talking about. When Mike put the caller on the spot to give an example of how he was committing treason the caller could not do it. The caller got me to thinking about the things I have heard the conservative talk show hosts called lately and the fact that I’ve seen bloggers using the word treason lately. Recently Joe Kline of the New York Times accused Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin of sedition. While listening to another Conservative talk show host a caller accused him of being anti-American. Seems those types of terms are coming up more and more in the far left rhetoric.

Just to keep things clear here are the definitions:

1. Incitement of discontent or rebellion against a government.
2. Any action, esp. in speech or writing, promoting such discontent or rebellion.
3. Archaic rebellious disorder.
1. The offense of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or kill its sovereign.
2. A violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state.
3. The betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery.

Source: http://dictionary.reference.com

The Constitution also defines treason; Article III defines treason against the United States to consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid or comfort. This offence is punished with death. By the same article of the Constitution, no person shall be convicted of treason, unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.
Source: http://www.lectlaw.com

I know that by giving the definitions I have given ammo to anyone that wants to say, yes, they are guilty of sedition, simply based on the term “Incitement of discontent”. What the left wants everyone to believe is the second part of that applies “Rebellion against a Government”. That is far from the truth of what is happening. The persons named above have been doing nothing but pointing out where the Government and their intrusions are tearing apart our country, they are pointing out the parts of the Constitution that are being ignored, falsely interpreted and completely violated. They are pointing out duties the Government is suppose to be doing that they aren’t and the restrictions on the Government by the Bill of Rights they are violating to further their own agenda. They are voicing the opinions of what has been a previously silent majority in America, a majority that has now awakened.

The interesting thing about this is that it all seems to be happening at the same time. The far left loves to accuse anyone that believes in the Constitution that they are only going by the “talking points” during debates on the issues. When confronted with being called “anti-American” the host asked the caller to give examples. The caller started off with an explanation about being against one of the recent Government programs; at this point the host laughed and told the caller to go to talking point 2, then talking point 5. The caller did not hesitate, you could tell he was reading off a prepared list by the way he hesitated when reading and while looking at the next point. There was not an original thought in his argument. Have they realized that they are not going to win over the people of America by being honest and transparent, which they are not. It appears that the far left can not even come up with their own thoughts; they have to get a list off the web from some far left loon website to even know what to ask about. Have they now decided that the only way they can turn the masses away from the right is to play on the fear card about attacks to the country.

The far left must believe that their trump card is to make out anyone that believes in the Constitution as anti-American, a threat to the country; only this time the trump card turned out to be a Joker. The left is not able or willing to logically debate the issues that are facing the country today so they resort to slander. It’s not going to work anymore; Americans are becoming educated on the role of the Government and aware of the situations throughout the world that are affecting our security and our economy. The left, especially the one in elected office, need to be careful when they start throwing words like treason around. Article VI of the Constitution states; The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution. There are several areas of the Constitution that the Government is not supporting, in fact, areas where they are constantly in violation of the Constitution, so who is guilty of treason?

Steve Avery

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