Monday, August 24, 2009

Cash For Clunkers

Once again Cash for Clunkers is in the news. The Government mouthpieces are touting what a great success it has been. The more conservative news media talks about where the money for the program is coming from and questions how successful it really is, the dealers talk about how much of the promised money they have not received, what no one talks about is the back lash that we will be seeing over the next few months.
I agree with the media complaints about where the money is coming from, again I have to state that the Government produces nothing, the money they are spending is coming out of our pockets, so we the tax payers are paying other tax payers to get new cars. I'm not in the market for a new car but I'm helping to pay for thousands of them.
I agree with the complaints the dealers have about the money they were promised for the clunkers, they have honored their end of the deal and now have a lot of money tied up in the Governments great program. The Government on the other hand is not getting the money owed out to the dealers, so how long before we start seeing dealers closing their doors again? Is this just another way for the Government to say "See, we stopped the program and the dealers are failing, we need to keep throwing money at them"?
I even agree with the environmentalist that say the program is going to use more energy and cause more green house gases to destroy the traded in "clunkers" then it would have to just keep driving them. It would have made more sense to do the deals then find the poor working slobs that are being responsible that can not afford new cars even though what they are driving is belching out blue smoke and falling apart and give the traded in "clunkers" to them. Yes I said give them and take the real clunkers off the road. I have seen the supposed "clunkers" in roll off trash containers in front of dealerships, the ones I've seen are not "clunkers".
What I'm not hearing about or hearing very little about is what is going to happen in 3, 6 or even 12 months down the line when the people that took advantage of this wonderful deal realize they can't afford the $35,000 or $40,000 new car they just bought. Last I checked the economy still has not recovered, un-employment is still up, and home foreclosures are still going up. Maybe that's the plan, they will live in their cars. So what is going to happen when they can't make the payments? Are we going to see repo's going up? Are the banks going to get into trouble again? Is the Government going to bail the bank and loan companies out again? Damn I'm starting to sound like Forest Gump.

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