Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Tea Parties

I haven't started in on my next project, going through the Bill of Rights but it will be soon. I did want to comment on the Town Hall meetings that the Representatives are having now that they are on their summer break. When the April 15th Tea Parties were going on the far left media started calling everyone that attended "Tea Baggers". They completely lost the point of the Tea Parties since they were not about taxes like the original Boston Tea Party was. We all know that the Tea Parties were a protest against our out of control Government. Well the recent town hall meetings are heading down the same path the British Parliament did in the 1700's. Our politicians are not listening to the people and they are trying to push through bills that are not in the best interest of the people. These bills are going to increase our taxes at all levels if not right away, eventually. So we are now at a point where we do have outright taxation without representation. Even with this being said I wish to encourage everyone to go to the town hall meetings if possible and have your voice heard.

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